Grażyna Auguścik

"2 The Light"

Released: May2023 CD + Digital

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Singer, composer, arranger, and producer Grazyna Auguscik has won the praise and admiration of music critics, jazz enthusiasts and even non-jazz audiences with a singular voice that speaks a universal language.

She is one of the most intriguing contemporary vocalists on today’s world jazz scene. Her elusive style challenges traditional definitions of jazz and shows a vocalist and musician without boundaries. Her unorthodox approach to rewriting classic works pays tribute to their authors and at the same time is an adventure into uncharted territory. Furthermore, her original music gives a fresh taste of uncanny flavor.

GMA Records


Grazyna Auguscik – vocals
Jarek Bester – accordion
Rob Clearfield – acoustic piano
Paulinho Gracia – guitar and shakers
John Kregor – guitars
Howard Levy – harmonica
Krzysztof Pabian – double bass
Mateusz Smoczynski – violins
Dan Bornemark – french horn lines
Stefan Pettersson – bass, keyboards, background vocals, sound
Michael Pettersson – drums
Sebastian Petersson – trombones
David Norén – trumpet
John Emanuelsson – violin

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